A wise man once said ‘whatever you do in life is insignificant, but it’s important you do it’. Well Mr Ghandi, we’re doing it and we’re doing it right.

Countless hours spent checking dudes out at the beach. Days of staring at the world for inspiration. Weeks of feeling fabrics, textiles and derrières. All brought together with a little bit of spice from the team at RC HQ.

We’re here to deliver top notch beachwear products and the ultimate customer journey across the globe, whilst doing our bit for planet earth.

Revolutionary waterproof solutions and stunning designs set our products apart from the crowd. And behind the scenes, when we’re not pranking each other we’re working out how we can make things better and more fun for all.

Start your journey today and join the moovement.

With love, hope and a little lust...

The Founding Farmers
