Randy Cow Launch Party on Bondi Beach

So we arrived down in Sydney to 30 plus degrees and headed straight to the Bucket List bar on Bondi Beach with the guys from Bondi PA Hire to set the final plan. Fast forward 72 hours and Sydney was about to receive the worst rainfall it had seen over 30 years - but it was desperately needed for the country and the awful fires they had been having, so we wasn't about to complain!
Invites sent out and food ordered and on the production line we decided we would go ahead regardless and hope that those invited would still brave the rain and come along - the offer of free booze and food must be too much for some to resist, right?
Well we were correct and people showed up - friends, customers, trade representatives and local business - and soon got involved in the conversations, the products and of course the drinks! The energy in the room was awesome and everyone was in great spirits.
Around 7:30pm we kicked things off with an introduction, a bit of background information and the ceremonial sinking of a pair our awesome shorts in a fishbowl with a smart phone in the pocket with its timer running...
During the next 30mins, a slightly intoxicated Founding Farmer talked about our products, our ethos and what we stand for. There were some bad jokes, but in general it was well received before we paused for an hour of food and more drinks, whilst people in the crowd felt and explored the shorts and packaging on show.
We finished off by giving away several pairs to people who had been paying attention and could answer our questions correctly, thanking everyone for coming - especially the commercial representatives - and then to hold our breath and hope to God that the shorts in the fishbowl have indeed worked as advertised.
They did - everyone cheered, and then we all drank the last of the bar bill and left with some new friends and a lot of smiles. We cannot wait for the next event and again, we would like to thank The Bucket List and Bondi PA Hire for their help and support on this event!
For all event photos please see our Facebook Album.